They fired the one honest man at the FBI.

Miranda Divine: FBI Hero Punished For Protesting the Brutal Tactics Being Used Against People for the Crime of Being Conservative


Obviously, when an employee comes to you telling you that he has seen illegalities, you’re not supposed to say “Shut up or you’ll be fired and lose your pension.”

But that’s exactly what happened to Steve Friend.

And now he’s out of work.

Among Friend’s allegations:

The Washington, DC, field office is “manipulating” FBI case management protocol and farming out J6 cases to field offices across the country to create the false impression that right-wing domestic violence is a widespread national problem that goes far beyond the “black swan” event of Jan. 6, 2021.

As a result, he was listed as lead agent in cases he had not investigated and which his supervisor had not signed off on, in violation of FBI policy.

FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages. These tips are turned into investigative tools called “guardians,” after the FBI software that collates them.

The FBI has post-facto designated a grassy area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.

The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”

Follow the link and read the whole story, it’s a little long but worth the time.

This agent when told to ‘suit up’ for a SWAT raid on January 6 protesters at their homes,  instead suggested that they simply call them on the phone and ask them to come in for questioning.  For that he was reprimanded.

About On the North River

Forty years toiled in the Tel-com industry, married for 36 years widowed at sixty-one. New girlfriend at sixty-five. Was a Tea Party supporter. Today a follower of the Last American President to be honestly elected, Donald J. Trump.
This entry was posted in All the News not fit to print., Civil War, Defund the FBI, FBI crime family. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to They fired the one honest man at the FBI.

  1. Dan says:

    Not sure why anyone would find this surprising. Nowdays in almost EVERY industry the squeaky wheel no longer gets greased. It gets replaced. This agent is lucky, he only got fired. The commies in power often MURDER anyone threatening to shine a light on their abusive, illegal activities. And they still might arrange an “accident” for him.


  2. Stick a fork into the “Reform” the FBI approach.
    Disband the FBI, and ban anyone that has worked there from working in law enforcement again. Except this one guy.


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