Main Stream Media News is boring…

Obama To Focus On Job Creation During State Of The Union Address. In Other News, Charles Manson To Focus On Sharon Tate At His Parole Board Hearing

You can read the entire story at the NY Times:

Frankly, I think Nikola Tesla would be insulted that a car that runs on DC (direct current) was named after him.


What Ellen saw…

Kate_Perry_Grammy_Cleavage tumblr_mi1cj6CNuX1qz581wo1_500

If a man had done that?hanging man

Note: North Korea has not been at war in many decades…medals

Consider these portraits of Generals Petraeus and Eisenhower. Petraeus is wearing over 30 ribbons and badges on his uniform. I’m sure he earned each of them. But of that 30, how many civilians will notice that only one item was for heroism (Bronze Star with “V”)?  Eisenhower earned only ten U.S. decorations (plus countless foreign ones), and – as was the custom of the day – typically wore only three or four at a timePetraeus and Eisenhower


(Pics) These Women Will Never Be Raped, Robbed Or Roofied


Cops Gone Wild: Sometimes You Really Want the Police to Be Minutes Away. And Stay There.

copshotnewspaperdelivery_not Dorner

Torrence police open fire on vehicle “matching description” of suspect Ex-LA Cop Dorner (Large Black Male), hitting the two Hispanic (small) women inside.

Civilians carrying firearms know that they must account for their actions, no CCW citizen would have “lit up” that vehicle like that, and if they did, they would not be sleeping in their own beds tonight.

P.S. Count the bullet holes, do you think the Cops are the ones who should be limited to 7 Round magazines?

Tom the Dancing Bug originalbox spending next 643141 witch burning lib logic

About On the North River

Forty years toiled in the Tel-com industry, married for 36 years widowed at sixty-one. New girlfriend at sixty-five. Was a Tea Party supporter. Today a follower of the Last American President to be honestly elected, Donald J. Trump.
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