Winter 2015 (repost)

(2024_ Only nine years ago, how soon we forget)

The first big storm at the end of January was a surprise and I thought that we had gotten a lot of snow.

Staircase first storm IMG_0476 First storm Jan 28th IMG_0488The day after I cleared the driveway and turn-around I fell down the stairs and had to have an operation on my knee.   I am now sidelined for the winter and depending on others to keep the access to the house open.

Then the third storm.

Third storm IMG_0493 Third storm snow on porch roof IMG_0505What started to become worrisome was the buildup of snow on the porch roof.  The plant I have next to this second floor window is losing the light.

Then it got worse with the fourth storm.

4th storm snow level second floor windows IMG_05202nd floor window over porch IMG_0531  4th storm second floor windows IMG_0526

I’m worried about losing the garage.

4th storm snow on garage IMG_0523 4th storm between house and garage IMG_0516If this vent goes under the snow we lose heat.

4th storm vent IMG_0514My friend Doug will love these pictures, he loves snow…kind of a snow groupie.

4th Storm patio IMG_0508 4th storm tappering off IMG_0524He can have it.

About On the North River

Forty years toiled in the Tel-com industry, married for 36 years widowed at sixty-one. New girlfriend at sixty-five. Was a Tea Party supporter. Today a follower of the Last American President to be honestly elected, Donald J. Trump.
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