Faces of the Baltimore Police charged and their nemesis. Update!

(originally posted on May 2nd, 2015)

Goodson, 45, was charged with his (Freddy Gray) murder Friday. Caesar Gordon

Rice, Porter and White were charged with manslaughter, Brian Rice

William PorterAlicia White

while Miller and Nero’s most serious charges were assault.Garrett MillerEdward Nero

All the officers face as long as 10 years in prison if found guilty, while Goodson’s murder charge could make him eligible for 30 years.

Their booking photos were released Friday night. According to CNN, all six have posted bail and were released.

The news network said that Goodson, White, Porter and Rice paid $350,000 bail, while the figure for Nero and Miller was $250,000.

And their prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore State’s Attorney2837749800000578-0-image-a-15_1430509827393So this woman comes from the generation of Boston court ordered busing. I wonder what she thinks of “whites” after that debacle? Since she moved to a city with a majority black population I might make a guess. But that would be wrong, wouldn’t it?

It seems that the facts as laid out should suggest she recuse herself;  Husband is a politician in that district, Grey family attorney a substantial contributor and adviser.   Why not do the professional thing and appoint a special prosecutor to bring this before a Grand Jury? If she did so then the indictments would match the actual level of wrongdoing and be much more likely to result in convictions that would not be (later) overturned by a higher court. As these charges undoubtedly will be.

But she would reap less of the credit for success then and maybe that’s the point.

The extraordinary speed in which she decided that grievous crimes had been committed, A “Heat of the Fire Decision” that (of course) every police officer in the immediate area was involved may play well with the mob (and the thugs). But I think she just walled herself inside the castle. After this I doubt that she will never move onto a national political stage, anymore than another opportunist, Al Sharpton, did.

It is the over-the-top charges she has decided to bring that will, I think, be her downfall. Short term political advantage for long term meager results, yes, she is a politician. I wonder what office she had her eye on?

I don’t want to see the police injuring or killing citizens that they snatch off the street anymore than Ms. Mosby does but since she sliced through the middle of the police investigation (after the determination of what happened but before the determination of criminal responsibility) and eschewed the sensible course of an Special Prosecutor and the Grand Jury, she has made it personal.  Zeal or ambition?  Time will tell.

Update:  June 23d 2016Time has passed and time has indeed told

Two officers have been tried and two officers have been acquitted.   Including today the officer facing the most serious charges and that case described as the most likely to result in an conviction.

Third Baltimore police officer tried in Freddie Gray case acquitted of all charges

Judge Williams repeatedly said prosecutors failed to show evidence that Goodson was aware or should have been aware that Gray was hurt. He also said they could not prove how Gray’s injuries occurred.

State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was seated in the center of the front row. After the verdict was announced she sighed and walked out of the courtroom with a security entourage.

Big sigh!  Really big SIGH!


That sound she made is the sound of the air being let out of her career.   Next stop, Federal service!

About On the North River

Forty years toiled in the Tel-com industry, married for 36 years widowed at sixty-one. New girlfriend at sixty-five. Was a Tea Party supporter. Today a follower of the Last American President to be honestly elected, Donald J. Trump.
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4 Responses to Faces of the Baltimore Police charged and their nemesis. Update!

  1. Belatedly I thought of the perfect title to this post; “Sin in haste, Repent at leisure.”
    Two weeks, 28 charges.
    If I threw a guy into the truck of my car, drove around a while and when the trunk was opened the guy was dead, then I’d expect to be charged with manslaughter but not murder. But a cop, on duty has more expectation of immunity then I would. However wrote up these charges is ignoring that and the reality of urban policing.
    So I’ll go out on a limb and predict that maybe one of these Manslaughter charges is supported, some of these officers lose their jobs, all of them spend a hell of a lot of money on their defense which will be dwarfed by the millions the city and state will spend. In the end, Baltimore will continue it’s downward slide with burnt out buildings remaining as a reminder and with most of the police force mainly interested in not following the Freddie Gray 6 into the belly of the beast.

    You couldn’t pay me enough money to journey into Baltimore.


    Officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr
    1. Second degree depraved heart murder. Maximum sentence: 30 years
    2. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
    3. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    4. Manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence). Ten years.
    5. Manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence). Three years.
    6. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.

    Sgt Alicia D. White
    1. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
    2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    3. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.

    Officer Garret E. Miller
    1. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    3. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.
    4. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.
    5. False imprisonment. At court’s discretion.

    Lt Brian W. Rice
    1. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
    2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    3. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    4. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.
    5. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.
    6. False imprisonment. At court’s discretion.

    Officer William G. Porter
    1. Manslaughter (involuntary). Ten years.
    2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    3. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.

    Officer Edward M. Nero
    1. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    2. Assault / second degree. Ten years.
    3. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.
    4. Misconduct in office. At court’s discretion.
    5. False imprisonment. At court’s discretion.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3065009/Booked-six-Baltimore-officers-facing-30-years-prison-murder-Freddie-Gray-police-van-cops-union-attacks-prosecutor-rush-judgement.html#ixzz3Yzava01S
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


  2. jerrygraf says:

    Admittedly I have been busy this week and have not followed all media reports, but I have certainly been made aware all week of the situation in Baltimore. Today, however, via alternative media, is the first time I have been made aware that 3 of the 6 officers being charge are African-American themselves; proving the racial narrative in this matter to be completely fictitious. I wonder why it took so long for this tidbit of information to seep out???


    • This is why I scan the British papers every day. Of course “over there” today the biggest typeface was something about “It’s a Princess!!”.

      So the actual narrative should be that this SNAFU is completely an Democrat paradise in toto. The practice of “Rough Riding” a prisoner might be blamed on the Irish-American cops.


  3. Pingback: Freddie Gray, death by miss-adventure. | On the North River

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